Součásti dokumentu Matematika2
Zdrojový kód
%\usepackage{pifont} % pro cislovani bodu \ding
colorlinks = true,
pdftitle = {Matematika 2},
pdfauthor = {Radek Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k},
pdfcreator = {Radek Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k},
bookmarksopen = true
%% Preamble
\newcommand{\separator}{\hrulefill} % or pagebreak if u wanna
\newcommand{\priklady}{\noindent \textbf{Příklady}}
\newcommand{\oprava}{~\vskip -2.5em ~} % oprava v definici/vete, kdyz se zacina primo enumerate nebo itemize
\newtheoremstyle{wikistyle}% name of the style to be used
{} % measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{} % measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{} % name of font to use in the body of the theorem
{} % measure of space to indent
{} % name of head font
{~\\\noindent} % punctuation between head and body
{0.5em}% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
{} % Manually specify head
\newcommand{\EkvDef}{\stackrel{\mbox{\tiny def}}{\Leftrightarrow}}
\newcommand{\comb}[2]{\left(\!\!\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\!\!\right)}
%definice českých uvozovek
\gdef\uv#1{\bq #1\eq}