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apihelp-query-param-continue (diskuse) (přeložit) When present, formats query-continue as key-value pairs that should simply be merged into the original request. This parameter must be set to an empty string in the initial query. This parameter is recommended for all new development, and will be made default in the next API version.
apihelp-query-param-export (diskuse) (přeložit) Export the current revisions of all given or generated pages.
apihelp-query-param-exportnowrap (diskuse) (přeložit) Return the export XML without wrapping it in an XML result (same format as [[Special:Export]]). Can only be used with $1export.
apihelp-query-param-indexpageids (diskuse) (přeložit) Include an additional pageids section listing all returned page IDs.
apihelp-query-param-iwurl (diskuse) (přeložit) Whether to get the full URL if the title is an interwiki link.
apihelp-query-param-list (diskuse) (přeložit) Which lists to get.
apihelp-query-param-meta (diskuse) (přeložit) Which metadata to get.
apihelp-query-param-prop (diskuse) (přeložit) Which properties to get for the queried pages.
apihelp-query-param-rawcontinue (diskuse) (přeložit) Currently ignored. In the future, <var>$1continue</var> will become the default and this will be needed to receive the raw <samp>query-continue</samp> data.
apihelp-rawfm-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Vypisuje data s ladicími prvky ve formátu JSON (v čitelné HTML podobě).
apihelp-revisiondelete-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Delete and undelete revisions.
apihelp-revisiondelete-example-log (diskuse) (přeložit) Hide all data on log entry <kbd>67890</kbd> with the reason <kbd>BLP violation</kbd>.
apihelp-revisiondelete-example-revision (diskuse) (přeložit) Hide content for revision <kbd>12345</kbd> on the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-hide (diskuse) (přeložit) What to hide for each revision.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-ids (diskuse) (přeložit) Identifiers for the revisions to be deleted.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-reason (diskuse) (přeložit) Reason for the deletion or undeletion.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-show (diskuse) (přeložit) What to unhide for each revision.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-suppress (diskuse) (přeložit) Whether to suppress data from administrators as well as others.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-target (diskuse) (přeložit) Page title for the revision deletion, if required for the type.
apihelp-revisiondelete-param-type (diskuse) (přeložit) Type of revision deletion being performed.
apihelp-rollback-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Undo the last edit to the page. If the last user who edited the page made multiple edits in a row, they will all be rolled back.
apihelp-rollback-example-simple (diskuse) (přeložit) Roll back the last edits to page <kbd>Main Page</kbd> by user <kbd>Example</kbd>.
apihelp-rollback-example-summary (diskuse) (přeložit) Roll back the last edits to page <kbd>Main Page</kbd> by IP user <kbd></kbd> with summary <kbd>Reverting vandalism</kbd>, and mark those edits and the revert as bot edits.
apihelp-rollback-param-markbot (diskuse) (přeložit) Mark the reverted edits and the revert as bot edits.
apihelp-rollback-param-pageid (diskuse) (přeložit) Page ID of the page to roll back. Cannot be used together with <var>$1title</var>.
apihelp-rollback-param-summary (diskuse) (přeložit) Custom edit summary. If empty, default summary will be used.
apihelp-rollback-param-title (diskuse) (přeložit) Title of the page to roll back. Cannot be used together with <var>$1pageid</var>.
apihelp-rollback-param-user (diskuse) (přeložit) Name of the user whose edits are to be rolled back.
apihelp-rollback-param-watchlist (diskuse) (přeložit) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-rsd-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Export an RSD (Really Simple Discovery) schema.
apihelp-rsd-example-simple (diskuse) (přeložit) Export the RSD schema.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Update the notification timestamp for watched pages. This affects the highlighting of changed pages in the watchlist and history, and the sending of email when the "Email me when a page on my watchlist is changed" preference is enabled.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-all (diskuse) (přeložit) Reset the notification status for the entire watchlist.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-allpages (diskuse) (přeložit) Reset the notification status for pages in the <kbd>{{ns:user}}</kbd> namespace.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-page (diskuse) (přeložit) Reset the notification status for <kbd>Main page</kbd>.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-pagetimestamp (diskuse) (přeložit) Set the notification timestamp for <kbd>Main page</kbd> so all edits since 1 January 2012 are unviewed.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-entirewatchlist (diskuse) (přeložit) Work on all watched pages.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-newerthanrevid (diskuse) (přeložit) Revision to set the notification timestamp newer than (one page only).
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-timestamp (diskuse) (přeložit) Timestamp to which to set the notification timestamp.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-torevid (diskuse) (přeložit) Revision to set the notification timestamp to (one page only).
apihelp-summary (diskuse) (přeložit)  
apihelp-tag-description (diskuse) (přeložit) Add or remove change tags from individual revisions or log entries.
apihelp-tag-example-log (diskuse) (přeložit) Remove the <kbd>spam</kbd> tag from log entry ID 123 with the reason <kbd>Wrongly applied</kbd>
apihelp-tag-example-rev (diskuse) (přeložit) Add the <kbd>vandalism</kbd> tag from revision ID 123 without specifying a reason
apihelp-tag-param-add (diskuse) (přeložit) Tags to add. Only manually defined tags can be added.
apihelp-tag-param-logid (diskuse) (přeložit) One or more log entry IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
apihelp-tag-param-rcid (diskuse) (přeložit) One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
apihelp-tag-param-reason (diskuse) (přeložit) Reason for the change.
apihelp-tag-param-remove (diskuse) (přeložit) Tags to remove. Only tags that are either manually defined or completely undefined can be removed.
apihelp-tag-param-revid (diskuse) (přeložit) One or more revision IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
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