(Není zobrazeno 9 mezilehlých verzí od stejného uživatele.) |
Řádka 1: |
Řádka 1: |
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− | | + | \title{Zápisky z Algebry} |
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− | | + | |
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| + | |
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− | | + | |
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| + | |
− | \def\axiom(#1)#2.{\numberedpar{Axiom}(#1. #2)}
| + | |
− | %\def\example#1\par{\paragraph{\newparnum{} Příklad.}#1\par}
| + | |
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| + | |
− | \def\example{\numberedpar{Příklad}}
| + | |
− | \def\theorem{\numberedpar{Věta}}
| + | |
− | \def\observation{\numberedpar{Pozorování}}
| + | |
− | \def\lemma{\numberedpar{Lemma}}
| + | |
− | \def\remark{\numberedpar{Poznámka}}
| + | |
− | \def\consequence{\numberedpar{Důsledek}}
| + | |
− | \def\proof{\paragraph{\raise .2ex \hbox to 0pt{\kern-3ex $\circ$}\it Důkaz.}}
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\removepar#1\par{\relax}
| + | |
− | | + | |
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| + | |
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− | | + | |
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| + | |
− | | + | |
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− | | + | |
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| + | |
− | \hfil
| + | |
− | {{\rm\large\bfseries\thesection.} {\rm\large\scshape #1}}
| + | |
− | \hfil}
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\xxxy#1#2{
| + | |
− | \refstepcounter{subsection}
| + | |
− | \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{\thesubsection.} #2}
| + | |
− | \subsubsection*{
| + | |
− | \hglue -1ex
| + | |
− | \hbox to 0pt{\kern-3.7ex$\bullet$}
| + | |
− | \hfil
| + | |
− | {{\rm\normalsize\bfseries\thesubsection.} {\rm\normalsize\scshape #1}}
| + | |
− | \hfil}
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\pp#1{\paragraph{#1.}}
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\xx#1{\xy{#1}{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\xxx#1{\xxy{#1}{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\xxxx#1{\xxxy{#1}{#1}}
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\QED{~\\\rightline{$\Box$}}
| + | |
− | \newlength{\PARSKIP}
| + | |
− | \def\QED{\setlength{\PARSKIP}{\parskip}\setlength{\parskip}{-2ex}
| + | |
− | \hbox{}\allowbreak\hfill
| + | |
− | %\hbox{}\allowbreak\hfill
| + | |
− | {$\Box$}\par
| + | |
− | \setlength{\parskip}{\PARSKIP}} | + | |
− | \def\cldc{,\ldots,} %comma \ldots coma | + | |
− | \def\PP#1{\mathfunction{\mathscr P}\left({#1}\right)} %potence set | + | |
− | \def\UU{{\mathcal{U}}} %universum | + | |
− | \let\AA=\forall %forall
| + | |
− | \let\EE=\exists %exists
| + | |
− | \def\abs#1{\left|{#1}\right|} %absolute value
| + | |
− | \def\Limpl{\Rightarrow} % short implication
| + | |
− | \def\Lequiv{\Leftrightarrow} % short logical equivalence
| + | |
− | \def\equivs{\;\;\Longleftrightarrow\;\;} % short logical equivalence
| + | |
− | \def\Land{\wedge} % logical and
| + | |
− | \def\Lor{\vee} % logical or
| + | |
− | \def\TEXTREL#1{\mathrel{\text{#1}}}
| + | |
− | \def\Tor{\TEXTREL{vel}}
| + | |
− | \def\Tand{\TEXTREL{et}}
| + | |
− | \def\Tnot{\TEXTREL{non}}
| + | |
− | \def\SET#1#2{\left\{{#1}\divides{#2}\right\}}
| + | |
− | \def\set#1#2{\left\{#1\left.\vphantom{#2}\vphantom{#1}\right|#2\right\}}
| + | |
− | \def\anglevector#1{\left\langle{#1}\right\rangle}
| + | |
− | \def\anglecouple#1#2{\anglevector{#1,#2}}
| + | |
− | \def\map#1#2#3{#1:#2\rightarrow#3}
| + | |
− | \def\maptype#1#2#3#4{#1:#2\stackrel{\text{#3.}}{\longrightarrow}#4}
| + | |
− | \def\matrixtwo#1#2#3#4{\left({#1\atop#3}{#2\atop#4}\right)}
| + | |
− | \def\1{{-1}}
| + | |
− | \let\sse=\subseteq
| + | |
− | \let\ssn=\varsubsetneq
| + | |
− | \def\C{\mathbb{C}}
| + | |
− | \def\N{\mathbb{N}}
| + | |
− | \def\Q{\mathbb{Q}}
| + | |
− | \def\R{\mathbb{R}}
| + | |
− | \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}}
| + | |
− | \def\bbA{\mathbb{A}}
| + | |
− | \def\Nz{\mathbb{N}_0}
| + | |
− | \def\bbP{\mathbb{P}}
| + | |
− | \def\calU{\mathcal{U}}
| + | |
− | \def\calR{\mathcal{R}}
| + | |
− | \def\calF{\mathscr{F}}
| + | |
− | \def\calS{\mathcal{S}}
| + | |
− | \def\calB{\mathcal{B}}
| + | |
− | \def\calA{\mathcal{A}}
| + | |
− | \def\divides{\mathop{\mid}}
| + | |
− | \def\pS#1{\mathscr{S}_{#1}} % permutation group
| + | |
− | \def\pA#1{\mathscr{A}_{#1}} % even permutation group
| + | |
− | \def\pp#1#2{\mathscr{#1}_{#2}}
| + | |
− | \def\ord{\mathfunction{ord}}
| + | |
− | \def\mathdef{\mathfunction{def}}
| + | |
− | \let\sm=\smallsetminus % set minus
| + | |
− | \let\pce=\preccurlyeq % subvalention
| + | |
− | \let\pna=\precnapprox % sharp subvalention
| + | |
− | \let\nsg=\vartriangleleft % normal sup-group
| + | |
− | \let\sg=\Subset % normal sup-group
| + | |
− | \def\supdot{^\bullet}
| + | |
− | %\def\sublin{_{\mathrm{lin}}}
| + | |
− | \def\sublin{_\lambda}
| + | |
− | \def\subnat{_{\text{nat}}}
| + | |
− | \def\hatn#1{\widehat{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\factorset#1{\mathop{/}{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\intpart#1{\left\lfloor#1\right\rfloor}
| + | |
− | \def\sgn{\mathfunction{sgn}}
| + | |
− | \def\ditem#1{\item[{\small\bfseries(#1)}]}
| + | |
− | \def\ch{\mathfunction{ch}}
| + | |
− | \def\ker{\mathfunction{ker}}
| + | |
− | \let\rarr=\rightarrow
| + | |
− | \def\AM#1{\mathscr{A}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\LM#1{\mathscr{L}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\KM#1{\mathscr{K}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\IM#1{\mathcal{I}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\UM#1{\mathcal{U}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\EM#1{\mathcal{E}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\FM#1{\mathscr{F}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\NM#1{\mathscr{N}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\MM#1{\mathscr{M}_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\Nf{{\NM5}}
| + | |
− | \def\Mf{{\MM5}}
| + | |
− | \def\AL#1{\alpha_{#1}}
| + | |
− | \def\EK{{\EH H}}
| + | |
− | \def\id{\mathfunction{id}}
| + | |
− | \def\lcm{\mathop{\nu}}
| + | |
− | \def\gcd{\mathop{\delta}}
| + | |
− | \def\HE#1{\mathrel{_{#1}\mathord\equiv}}
| + | |
− | \def\EH#1{\mathrel{\mathord\equiv_{#1}}}
| + | |
− | \def\subplus{_+}
| + | |
− | \def\subdot{_\bullet}
| + | |
− | \def\subast{_*}
| + | |
− | \def\Pzero{{\rm\theta}}
| + | |
− | \let\Pz=\Pzero
| + | |
− | \let\SV=\lor
| + | |
− | \let\SA=\land
| + | |
− | \let\CO=\complement
| + | |
− | \def\st{\mathfunction{st}}
| + | |
− | \let\ol=\overline
| + | |
− | \def\RE{\mathfunction{Re}}
| + | |
− | \def\GF{\mathfunction{\mathrm{GF}}}
| + | |
− | %\long\def\proof#1\QED{\relax}
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \def\labelenumi{{\small \bfseries{(\theenumi)}}}
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | \title{Zápisky z~Algebry}
| + | |
| \author{Tomáš Hejda} | | \author{Tomáš Hejda} |
| + | |
| + | \maketitle |
| + | \tableofcontents |
| + | \pagebreak |
| | | |
− | \begin{document}
| |
− |
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− | \pagenumbering{roman}
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− | \par
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− | {\huge\sc\kern1em{\bf Z}ápisky z {\bf A}lgebry}
| |
− | \hfill\par\hfill
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− | {\large\sc{\bf T}omáš {\bf H}ejda\kern1em}
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− | \kern2cm
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− | \vskip1.2in
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− | \tableofcontents
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| \input{alg_note} | | \input{alg_note} |
| | | |
− | \newpage | + | \clearpage |
| \pagenumbering{arabic} | | \pagenumbering{arabic} |
| | | |
− | \input{alg_set}\input{alg_group} | + | \input{alg_set} |
− | %\addtocounter{section}{5}
| + | \clearpage |
− | | + | \input{alg_rel} |
− | \input{alg_ring}\input{alg_module}\input{alg_lattice} | + | \clearpage |
− | %\addtocounter{section}{3}
| + | \input{alg_set2} |
− | | + | \clearpage |
| + | \input{alg_alg} |
| + | \clearpage |
| + | \input{alg_group} |
| + | \clearpage |
| + | \input{alg_ring} |
| + | \clearpage |
| + | \input{alg_module} |
| + | \clearpage |
| + | \input{alg_lattice} |
| + | \clearpage |
| \input{alg_polynoms} | | \input{alg_polynoms} |
− | %\addtocounter{section}{1}
| + | \clearpage |
| \input{alg_finite} | | \input{alg_finite} |
| | | |